Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

USB Safely Remove


We are happy to announce immediate availability of USB Safely Remove 4.7! The new version includes some minor UI improvements and critical bug fixes so it's highly recommended to upgrade
UI Improvements

Device menu default skin improved
We did some minor changes to make it looking more attractive, especially in Windows 7

Close button is added to our balloon notifications

Choose device icon dialog became resizeable
Thus allowing you to select icons with more convenience

Bug fixes
  • Devices connected to external USB hubs might get duplicated in the device menu
  • Sometimes a service connection error displayed on Windows startup
  • An awkward message was displayed when you attempt to load an image with unsupported format to assign to the device
  • The system tray icon might not display even if there are devices to be stopped
  • Autorun feature. The %PhysicalDeviceName% command line now contains a correct value (thus allowing you to operate e.g. TrueCrypted partitions)
  • Icons in the main program menu were accidentally removed in the previous version
  • There was no notification on card reader memory card disconnection
Link :
pass mediafire : aryef23

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